Please define grouping variables and specify summary statistics to be charted Specify maximum width for column notes. Select statistics to be added to the summary table. Select subset of columns for temporary data table. 3D-Plot: Select two numeric X's, and 1 numeric Y. Variable “^VAR” not found. Please choose another variable. Select hidden columns to show in % data table. Select one Y as the response, and one X as the column with the prediction formula for nonlinear fitting. CHART: Select at least one numeric Y, and up to two Xs for grouping. PARETO CHART: Select one Y for category variable, and up to two Xs for grouping variables. Select columns for roles. Select numeric Xs and Ys columns for spin. Select numeric columns for Y’s by Y’s. Ternary PLOT: Select 3 numeric X's. Select one Y and one or more X variable or CANCEL Select both X and Y variable[s] or CANCEL Select one or more Ys for distribution.